Credit Repair
If poor credit is an issue for you, you probably know how difficult it can be to get approved for a bank loan without a perfect credit history. It wasn’t that long ago that banks were the only business finance solution, leaving business owners with poor credit facing a major stumbling block.
Luckily independent lenders like Hilldale Funding have entered the business lending market, and we believe that everyone deserves a second chance.
If you’re in need of credit repair, we can help with a cash flow loan that looks at your current cash flow situation rather than your past credit history.
Cash flow loans tend to attract higher interest rates than other types of business lending due to the increased risk, but they do offer a multitude of advantages including fast application and approval turnaround times, generally no collateral requirements, and – best of all – the chance to repair your credit history while getting access to essential business funding, even if you have a poor credit history.
The Hilldale Difference
We look at things differently than traditional banks. As a reputable MCA provider, we pay attention to daily credit card receipts and gauge our merchant advances responsibly, scaling our loan proposals to suit your distinct needs. We set you up to make your next big move.
Our merchant cash advances are an excellent choice for a vast range of business owners. We purchase future receivables at our discount rate, which is what allows us to give you funding up-front – and we only take a small percentage of credit card sales. This ensures minimal effect on your day-to-day business operations.
Contact Hilldale today to get started. We’ll help you apply, get approved, and wire your funds to your account on the same day in most cases. We’re now powering businesses all over the country.